
The World Clarity vision includes psychological freedom for everyone in the world. To realise this, it’s essential that people be able to get an understanding of the principles behind clarity anywhere in the world for free.

The first step towards this is to make it possible for anyone, anywhere to start your own Clarity Insight Group. This may be something you decide to do in a pyhsical group, or it may be something you’d like to do with a virtual group with people from around the world using Skype or Zoom (for instance).

The idea of these groups is that everyone in the world can learn about the principles behind clarity regardless of circumstances or location. We will supply you with resources from Jamie Smart as well as other leaders in the field that you can explore together as a group and share your insights with each other

So if you are interested in learning more about how this works, just enter your details below and we will be in touch with you soon regarding the launch

Just enter your details below and we’ll let you know how you can set up your own Clarity Insight Group…

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